Beyond Knowing
Everyday revision and practice after classroom, online or self-study is the most important key to ensure any student's success. Sookshmas learning game Beyond Knowing is a complete daily dose of everyday revision and practice in a social media gamified manner of approx 1 hour. In this game, students will get an opportunity to implement and excel their knowledge by doing four core activities, i.e. playing one quiz of 10 or 20 questions, posting one MCQ, answering at least one question and reading a few posts and discussions, other than these core activities, the game is fully loaded with lots of exciting features which make their everyday learning journey more challenging and exciting.
Beyond Knowing is also loaded with a well-structured cash reward system and students scholarship opportunities by appointing them as a mentor-student in the game to keep them encouraged and motivated always.
- 1. Eligibility
- 2. Daily activities for game
- 3. Timeline for activities
- 4. Results Criteria
- 5. Points Details
- 6. Rewards
- 7. Minimum Participation criteria
- 8. BK Volunteers
- 9. Weekly Mentors
- 10. BK Mentors
- 11. Important Instructions
- 12. Do's
- 13. Dont's
Beyond Knowing game is currently open for all students preparing for the competitive exams and pursuing higher education.To check your eligibility click here
Daily activities for game
Timeline for activities
- Play Quiz, Post MCQ and Commenting : Upto 10 PM
- Reply and Clapping : Upto 10 PM
- Result Announcement : After 10 PM
Results Criteria
Winners are announced in three categories, such as, Daily Winners, Weekly Winners and Monthly Winners.
1) Daily Winners
Daily winners are selected alternatively as follows:
- Based on Points
- Random Selection
Criteria for Random Selection
- Random selection will be announced for the participants having the points above cut-off .
- Cut-off points will be approximately 50% of the top scorer's points of the day.
2) Weekly Winners
Weekly winners are selected alternatively as follows:
- Based on aggregate points of the week
- Random Selection
Criteria for Random Selection
- Students must satisfy the criteria of cut-off points.
- Cut-off points will be approximately 50% of top scorer's points of that week.
- Students must be regular for last 7 consecutive days.
3) Monthly Winners
Monthly winners will be selected based on the aggregate points of the month.
4) Most Disciplined Participants
This result is to appreciate those students who are maintaining best discipline in the game with quality points aggregate of minimum 6 points . This result will be announced every month considering every pool.
This result will be announced in 3 categories:
Most disciplined participants in the last 40 days
- In this category 3% of the total monthly participants are taken in consideration.
- Students must have 100% regularity for the last 40 consecutive days in the game.
Most disciplined participants in the last 70 days
- In this category 1% of the total monthly participants are taken in consideration.
- Students must have 100% regularity for the last 70 consecutive days in the game.
Most disciplined participants in the last 110 days
- In this category 1% of the total monthly participants are taken in consideration.
- Students must have 100% regularity for the last 110 consecutive days in the game.
5) Best Quality
This result is to appreciate those students who are maintaining best quality in their game activities. This result will be announced every month in every pool.
In this result Sookshmas will select maximum 5% students of total pool participation in its respective pool having highest total of monthly quality points.
6) Best Mentors
This result is to appreciate those mentor students who are maintaining best quality. This is calculated by considering total quality points of a month of their group. This result will be announced every month in every pool.
In this result Sookshmas will select maximum 3 mentor students in each pool.
Points details
Points chart
Play Quiz Score | 90%, Max 27 Points(20 MCQs) |
Sookshmas Score | 10% Scaled to Play Quiz Score |
MCQ Post | 1 post = 10 points (max. 10 points) |
Comments | 1 comment = 10 points (max. 10 points) |
Clap Points | 1 clap = 0.5 points (max. 10 points) |
Bonus Points
Students will be given bonus points based on the following factors:
Regularity 5 Points, who are regular in the game for continuous 4 days.
Mentor 5 Points, who are becoming weekly mentor.
Level Upgrade 10 Points, who have promoted to next level while playing the game.
Quality 0 to 10 for good content quality (post,comment or reply).
Points Wallet
Points Wallet is a tool which helps every BK participant to store points and use it at the right time whenever required. This makes the game tricky and more interesting.
There are 6 categories under this:
Clap Points : It's a collection of Clap Points, where these points can be redeemed or transferred. You can get this point by clapping more than a limit. To know more, click here.
Post Points : It's a collection of Post Points, where these points can be redeemed or transferred. Getting good quality bonus points to your questions will help you get these points. To know more, click here.
Comment Points : It's a collection of Comment Points, where these points can be redeemed or transferred. Getting good quality bonus points to your comments will help you get these points. To know more, click here.
Invitation Bonus Points : It's a collection of Invitation Bonus Points, where these points can be redeemed or transferred. Sharing your achievement card, self-learning certificates, BK video, Mentor Achievement Card, Mentor Congratulation Card, Weekly Mentor Congratulation Card and Volunteer Congratulation Card on social media and also sharing your MCQ video, answer video and play quiz video with us will help you to get these points. To know more, click here.
Quality Bonus Points : It's a collection of Quality Bonus Points, where these points can be only redeemed. Posting self made content will help you to get these points. To know more, click here.
Points Leave : It's a collection of Points Leave, where the points are calculated by taking average points of last week activity. It can be only redeemed. You will get 2 points leave per week where it will be credited on Saturday and Sunday. To know more, click here.
Beyond Knowing Points distribution diagram

To redeem rewards, candidates must upload their student id proof and their profile must be accurately updated with email, mobile number, profile picture, account tags and About info.
Daily Winners | Rs.10 - Rs.100 (25% of total participants, Max 10,000 students) |
Weekly Winners | Rs.50 - Rs.500 (20% of total participants, Max 5,000 students) |
Monthly Winners | Rs.100 - Rs.1000 (10% of total participants, Max 2,500 students) |
Minimum Participation criteria for announcing results in main pools
Daily | 50 participants |
Weekly | 200 participants |
Monthly | 400 participants |
1. In case the above criteria of minimum participation are not fulfilled in any pool, then the top reward amount for all results i.e. Daily, Weekly & Monthly will be calculated using the below formula.
Top Reward = (Max Reward amount /Minimum participation count)*(total actual participation count in the respective pool).
2. These limits and terms can be changed by Sookshmas at any point of time based on participation.
BK Volunteers
Sookshmas will automatically shortlist students who perform well to be appointed as a BK Volunteer. Ideally this process will be depending on the below some factors:
- Minimum participation duration should be 15 days.
- Minimum 3 spots in top-5 Self-Learners in points result.
- Minimum group size should be 5.
Roles and Responsibilities of BK volunteers
- BK Volunteers should review allotted posts(maximum 1 post will be allocated per day).
Weekly Mentors
Weekly mentors are responsible to ensure the content (MCQ/question, comment and reply) quality and tags format.
Recruitment process for Weekly Mentors
Weekly mentors are selected on the basis of top aggregate points in the whole week over every 25 participants in each level and pool.
Roles and Responsibilities of Weekly Mentors
- Weekly mentors should review allotted posts(maximum 2 posts will be allocated per day).
Privileges of Weekly Mentors
- Weekly mentors will have the privilege to get 5 points on the day of weekly mentor selection.
- Weekly mentors will receive a scholarship of Rs.2 for each review.
BK Mentors
Recruitment process for BK Mentors
Sookshmas will automatically shortlist good performing students to appoint as a new mentor. Ideally this process depends on the below factors.
- Minimum 25 posts review experience should be achieved.
- Quality score should be greater than or equal to 6.
- Re-review score should be greater than or equal to 3.
- Minimum group size should be 10.
Mentor's Policy
- Each review(except any post,comment or reply marked as delete) done will get you scholarship upto Rs. 5 starting from Rs. 2.4
- Daily automation of post allocation limits. This is a most important factor for every mentor, as this will decide who is going to get a higher or lower post allocation limit for a day. This is done every day, where review limits will be updated to 70% of total active participants under a mentor.
- Minimum mandatory activities (5 Posts, 5 Comments and 1 Reply) should be done within the particular week to ensure scholarship credit. If in case minimum activities are not met in that week, then scholarship will be credited for the upcoming week where minimum mandatory activities of both weeks should be reached.
- Monthly automation of Per Review Cost(PRC). This is done on 1st of every month, where PRC will be updated as follows:
If, Q-Score >= 6 and RR-Score >= 3, then PRC = 5000 / [2100 - {(no. of volunteers -5) x 2 x 30}] else, PRC will be reduced by 0.1 w.r.t earlier PRC.
Note: Mentors will have access to post announcements with their group.
Mentor's Safe Group
Beyond Knowing Safe Group Shield is to provide immunity for mentors against any lowering group size or post allocation risks in case of inactive group participants or participants becoming mentors.
Sookshmas will automate the group participants' allocation or post allocation limits for mentors owning this shield to make sure that their review limits remain to their highest number so that mentors can earn maximum scholarships without worrying about their group size.
Below are the two qualifying criteria to own this shield:
- Having a minimum of 25 verified referrals or groups of 50 verified participants.
- Minimum 8 Quality & 4 Re-Review Score.
* Verified participants are the participants who have completed their document verification and are actively participating for at least 40 days.
Roles and Responsibilities of BK Mentors
- Training users and weekly mentors to form their own questions, comments and replies.
- Reviewing the content of the users.
- Providing quality bonus.
- Activating reply chain.
- Live Review/week.
- Suggesting users regarding the content issues/improvement.
- Maintaining overall discipline in the Beyond Knowing.
Important Instructions
- Every participant must set their "Account Tag" as per the game "Topic Tags", conditionally their current studies must be related to game topics that they are participating in.
- Rewards will be given to the winners after verification(Student Id Proof).
- Participants can participate only once in a day, if there are multiple attempts then only the first attempt will be considered.
- Candidates participating in the given time period will only be qualified for the game.
- Before posting, review your questions, options and answer properly.
- Sookshmas reserves the right to disqualify any participant if found violating the game rules or any inappropriate activity.
- Play fair
- Post self made content
- Comment informative content only
- Appreciate by clapping only
- Participate more into discussions
- Ensure proper post tags
- Follow others to improve your visibility
- Don't post inappropriate content or out of stream topics
- Duplication of content (posts, comments and replies) is strictly not allowed
- Do not violate the discussion rules.
NOTE: Contact us on [email protected] for any query. For any technical assistance, post it on Community.
Main Activities
Play Quiz
Post MCQ

Group Details
NOTE: These are live stats and may vary from the final results.
Tags used for quiz play, Play quiz Points, Points by Sookshmas score, Post Points, Comment Points Clap Points Bonus Points
R - Regularity bonus, I - Invitation bonus, M - Mentor bonus, L - Level bonus, Q - Quality bonus