Kilobyte to all other memory storage unit conversions


The kilobyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. One kilobyte often refers to 1,024 (2^10) bytes. Kilobytes are most often used to measure the size of small files. For example, a plain text document may contain 10 KB of data and therefore would have a file size of 10 kilobytes and small website graphics are often between 5 KB and 100 KB in size.

The kilobyte is applied in a variety of measurement contexts, including:

  • RAM or ROM Memory size
  • Processor cache size
  • The amount of storage available on media such as an SD memory chip or flash drive.

Enter your value in Kilobyte


Check your output in all other similar units

Standard Units
Bits {{Bits}}
Kilobits {{Kilobits}}
Megabits {{Megabits}}
Gigabits {{Gigabits}}
Terabits {{Terabits}}
Petabits {{Petabits}}
Exabits {{Exabits}}
Zettabits {{Zettabits}}
Yottabits {{Yottabits}}
Nibble {{Nibble}}
Bytes {{Bytes}}
Megabytes {{Megabytes}}
Gigabytes {{Gigabytes}}
Terabytes {{Terabytes}}
Petabytes {{Petabytes}}
Exabytes {{Exabytes}}
Zettabytes {{Zettabytes}}
Yottabytes {{Yottabytes}}