The kilobyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. One kilobyte often refers to 1,024 (2^10) bytes. Kilobytes are most often used to measure the size of small files. For example, a plain text document may contain 10 KB of data and therefore would have a file size of 10 kilobytes and small website graphics are often between 5 KB and 100 KB in size.
Standard Units | |
Bits | {{Bits}} |
Kilobits | {{Kilobits}} |
Megabits | {{Megabits}} |
Gigabits | {{Gigabits}} |
Terabits | {{Terabits}} |
Petabits | {{Petabits}} |
Exabits | {{Exabits}} |
Zettabits | {{Zettabits}} |
Yottabits | {{Yottabits}} |
Nibble | {{Nibble}} |
Bytes | {{Bytes}} |
Megabytes | {{Megabytes}} |
Gigabytes | {{Gigabytes}} |
Terabytes | {{Terabytes}} |
Petabytes | {{Petabytes}} |
Exabytes | {{Exabytes}} |
Zettabytes | {{Zettabytes}} |
Yottabytes | {{Yottabytes}} |