Tablespoon is a unit of volume used in food recipes. In Britain, it is equal to 14.20653125 milliliters. The unit of measurement varies by region: a United States tablespoon is approximately 14.8 mL (0.50 US fl oz), a United Kingdom and Canadian tablespoon is exactly 15 mL (0.51 US fl oz), and an Australian tablespoon is 20 mL (0.68 US fl oz). The capacity of the utensil (as opposed to the measurement) is defined by neither law nor custom, and it may or may not significantly approximate the measurement.
1 cubic meter is equal to 70390.1 UK Tablespoons.
Standard Units | |
Centiliters | {{ cL }} |
Cubic Centimeters | {{ cm3 }} |
Cubic Feet | {{ ft3 }} |
Cubic Inches | {{ in3 }} |
Cubic Meter | {{ m3 }} |
Cubic Millimeters | {{ mm3 }} |
Cubic Yards | {{ yard3 }} |
Kiloliter | {{ kL }} |
Liters | {{ L }} |
Microliter | {{ microliter }} |
Milliliter | {{ mL }} |
International Cooking Standard | |
Metric Cup | {{ metric_cup }} |
Metric Tablespoon | {{ metric_tlbsp }} |
Metric Teaspoon | {{ metric_tsp }} |
U.S. Cooking Standard | |
US Cup | {{ US_cup }} |
US Tablespoon | {{ US_tlbsp }} |
US Teaspoon | {{ US_tsp }} |
U.S. Dry And Liquid Measurement | |
US Barrels Dry | {{ US_bbl_dry }} |
US Barrels Federal | {{ US_bbl_fed }} |
US Barrels Liquid | {{ US_bbl_lq }} |
US Barrels Oil | {{ US_bbl_oil }} |
US Fluid Ounces | {{ US_fl_oz }} |
US Gallons Dry | {{ US_gal_dry }} |
US Gallons Liquid | {{ US_gal_lq }} |
US Gills | {{ US_gills }} |
US Pints Dry | {{ US_pt_dry }} |
US Pints Liquid | {{ US_pt_lq }} |
US Quarts | {{ US_qt }} |
US Quarts Dry | {{ US_qt_dry }} |
British Imperial Liquid And Dry | |
UK Barrels | {{ UK_bbl }} |
UK Fluid Ounces | {{ UK_fl_oz }} |
UK Gallons | {{ UK_gal }} |
UK Gills | {{ UK_gills }} |
UK Pints | {{ UK_pt }} |
UK Quarts | {{ UK_qt }} |
UK Teaspoon | {{ UK_tsp }} |